Global Politics
Tensions in Geopolitics
We all share the territory of planet earth, the globe, and have common needs even if some may not see themselves as part of the brotherhood of man. Humanity is a single social group where global politics will, and should, play a central role. Read more about political territories.
The heart of the Tree framework should still be rationalist i.e. However, in this case there is no government (as in society) or management (as in organizations) to take responsibility. The situation is anarchic and responsibility is diffused.

Using that duality, we can map the determinants of global political choices. The goal of global politics remains ensuring that any solution should differentially benefit one's own group, i.e. one's nation. This puts a major focus on « » and on a nation's power. Nations without states are inherently weak.
Politics can and should be a constructive element in human life, including international activities. But government activities challenge or ridicule this notion because
and the often seem to be mainly about making threats and war.Is War Politics?
The proposition offered for a society is that politics and violence are antithetical. Why should that view be altered because the frame of reference is now the international order? From a human perspective, wars, whether civil or international, represent social breakdown. War is not a continuation of politics (see below), but either a rejection or a failure of politics.

Clausewitz famously saw war as “a conflict of great interests” and “the continuation of politics by other means.” Most politicians think likewise.
emphasizes geopolitics, which relates to the way geography affects security and prosperity, and hence how countries need to defend themselves. As a result, armed conflicts recur based on the effects of that geography and end up indelibly etched on the military and public consciousness.
Like all violence, war is potentially or actually criminal: it certainly encourages acts that are criminal, i.e. in the midst of random and quasi-accidental killing there is deliberate looting, property destruction, rape, torture and murder, including deliberate targeting of journalists and medical workers. These are not merely «unfortunate collateral events» as politicians tell the public.
Each person who affirms to themselves and others that war is inevitable and nothing anyone does matters, increases the probability of war. Each person who adheres to the view that war is inherently wrong, even if sometimes necessary in an imperfect world, contributes to reducing the probability of politician-inspired paranoid and mindless wars in the future.
Conclusion: War happens. However, it must on no account be regarded as normal or inevitable, any more than being raped and murdered in your home would be.
Is War ever Permissible?
Temporary violence within nations may occur as countries move from the taken-for-granted or oppressive dominance of customary elites (
) to democratic equality under the law ( ).In the same way, war may be temporarily required in the global scene.
Q: Is war a form of politics?
Q: Is there more to global politics than power-struggles and national interests?
- Now consider the global power struggle.
Originally posted: July 2009; Last updated: 12 June 2014.